
It definitely doesn’t feel like a year has gone by. Where does time go? I’ve got zero recollection of what I was doing this time last year. Damn…


I want one SO BAD. My patience with MUNI is wearing thin and my bike just isn’t cutting it. I need something to get out of the city with on occasion. I’ve found my match…

October 24th, 2008

These were shot on a roll of TMAX100 that expired in 1976. Imagine my amazement when they turned out…

Bill O'Reilly Smears San Francisco With Surreal Pseudo-Documentary (VIDEO)

One man I can say that I truly despise is Bill O’Reilly. What a fucking idiot. His hatred for San Francisco is obnoxious. Who the hell says they wouldn’t mind Al Qaida attacking a major U.S. city? 

On another note… let me point out that my street corner can be see in the video at this link. The liquor store in the background at 1:40 is “my liquor store” and the building I live in is to the right. Also, the “transgender unique woman”? I’ve hugged her before. Yep.

Canned Heat - Going Up The Country

It’s almost 5am, I’ve got Siggy passed out in my bed, and I just discovered this on YouTube. What is going on?

I should say, as much as I Iove this, I have no desire to leave the city.

The Stranglers - Golden Brown

It’s been a week? Opps. I may not be cut out for this blogging shit. 

Today has been a good day. With my having to work at 5am and with the hour it is now, and my being awake… it has certainly been a long but good one. 

P.S. This song is in my Top 5.